Just some recent wood carvings to post

painted wood sculpture with mirror to show back.
I really like the photograph of this piece. I couldn't be more pleased with my usually crappy documenting skills. SOLD!

this is a big fellow carved from a london planetree (basically sycamore).

hand carved maple bowl.
man did this take some elbow grease to do by hand. i might never work with hard maple again. it is a very nice wood though.

this is a tall wood spirit king made fro ma london planetree branch that fell during sandy. I used the torn  part of the branch at the bottom as his beard. he is 18 inches tall and his beard took forever.

this is a small wood carving that is of a sandy wood of which i do not know it's name.SOLD!

some nice long birch spoons. my birch is usually from firewood and thus limited in length. A friend got me some branches from his grandpa's place and it was a joy to work with some 'green' birch.

another london planetree wood carving

this is a wood my friends and i found while hiking around after an indian pow wow. it's figured spalted oak and possibly the nicest wood ever. this picture does not do the wood justice. but the 'robbin's eggs' help a bit.
