YouTube prompted an oratory that i will share here.
latest drawing video and muisics
Another of my videos hit one hundred thousand views. YouTube prompted me to post a celebatory text to those who would listen. Here is my post
 I am so grateful for the blessing of YouTube. I was starting a professional animation career when I became disabled from chronic pain. Sitting on my couch, fueled by the love of my partner and two cats, I learned to love life again by finding an interest in craftsmanship. no money... just doing something that killed time. then i noticed the things I learned the hard way or from library books was not available to others.The only skilled carver was charging money for access to his videos. I hate paying for media and knowledge. I think it should be free.
so i started making carving videos. not thinking anyone was nerdy enough to care about the information....but being unable to work a job left a craving in my soul to be useful. The scientist inside me thought this craft was worth continued practice and replication and further exploration. Wood craft had given me life and stimulated my thirst for betterment. I thought no one else was interested in the magic i saw in craft. At first I thought i did not know enough to teach..... But there wasn't anything else out there for free. i started uploading pirated intelligence for the masses as best as i could.
Then those numbers below the video started to explode. "Numbers" they would have to stay since I was afraid of the sound of my own voice. I am an introvert. My chronic pain has made me unsociable....unable to relate with normal socialites with cars and ......'different' problems. I did not go out to eat or have conversations about jobs or family.
But through my youtube video publications I was connecting with other humans on the internet. From my couch and meager filming materials , I was able to reach millions. This gave me purpose in life and a sense of usefulness. In short, i found meaning to my life. Without such connections and interestds my peers (in all walks of life) are often driven to slow suicide.
YouTube saved my life. My viewers and commenters saved my life. The ability to teach and connect with others is beyond a consolation prize. I am blessed to be able to feel useful and share passion for what is now known as craft. I have found salvation in being a part of a distributed intelligence cloud that reaches around the world.
over the years I have had so many novel experiences, teaching, learning, emailing, connecting.
we are connected on earth; even as our social dissociation from proximity population explosion. It is amazing.
Through the internet, the world has literally become a super organism of unprecedented unity.
Ironically, in this spamulous information age, a rekindling of the old tradition of craft has brought us back to the ways of the old earth.
Only through inter-web video and personal amateurism spoken word has the human once again felt human and felt the other human say, 'hey'.
-Daniel Moore Allen (Schpoingle, aka billy bates, aka nobody)
I wish more organization for our species. I pray to earth that a powerful experience will drive human hearts to achieve greatness.


  1. I used to watch your carving videos. Got into carving again recently so I looked up your channel and was surprised to see how many other things you know how to do so well. Thanks for the inspiration.


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